A simple and fun introduction to sailing in an Optimist dinghy focusing on the basic skills of steering, balance and simple sail trimming. Two children may sail together on each dinghy if appropriate.
(Minimum 14 hours, certificate is awarded based on attendance)
1. Personal Preparation
- Buoyancy aid / life jacket
- Appropriate clothing & footwear
- Sun protection & hydration
2. Boat Rigging
- Equipment care & storage
- Can assist to rig an Optimist Dinghy
- Knows correct names and functions of parts of an Optimist Dinghy
3. Capsize recovery drill & water confidence
- Swimming in a buoyancy aid / life jacket
- Has taken part in a capsize recovery drill with mast head flotation
- Knows about inversion and to always stay with the boat
4. Launch and Recovery
- Can launch an Optimist dinghy with assistance
- Knows how to control a dinghy safely on a slipway
- Understands how to slow down and return to shore under instruction
5. Basic Controls
- Has knowledge of all the basic controls, i.e. rudder, main-sheet, dagger board
- Knows where to sit and how to balance the dinghy
6. Basic Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres
- Can steer in a straight line looking ahead
- Knows how to stop the boat, and control speed (slow down)
- Can sail a reach-to reach course
- Knows the proper technique to tack the dinghy
- Understands how to be towed safely
- Aware of no go zone and upwind sail trim but not expected to sail upwind without assistance
- Has knowledge of downwind sailing and sail trim
- Knows about gybing. Candidates may learn to gybe if appropriate
7. Knots & other theory
- Can tie a figure of 8 knot and knows about other knots
- Is aware of local hazards
- Knows about wind direction and the importance of the weather
- Knows how to call for assistance
8. Boating & the environment
- Disposal of rubbish
- Reusable drinking bottles
On completion of the course, successful sailors will be able to sail an Optimist dinghy single-handed in light winds on all points of sail.
(Minimum 14 hours)
The syllabus includes all items from Optimist Junior Sail 1 plus the following:
1. Personal Preparation
Participants should be able to prepare themselves for sailing without assistance, including choosing and adjusting a correctly fitting buoyancy aid without help
2. Boat Rigging
- Can rig an Optimist Dinghy with minimal help
- Knows the importance of rigging head-to-wind
3. Capsize recovery drill
- Can demonstrate the ability to right a capsized Optimist with mast head flotation
- Has taken part in an inverted Capsize recovery drill without mast head flotation
4. Launch and Recovery
- Can safely move an Optimist dinghy onshore
- Can launch with minimal assistance
- Understands how to slow down and return to shore with minimal help
5. Basic Controls
- Participants should be able to handle the tiller and tiller extension properly while controlling the main-sheet and sitting in the correct position
- Understands the use of the sprit control and kicker
6. Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres
- Can tack and gybe their dinghy
- Can sail upwind and downwind
- Can control boat speed
- Can get out of “irons”
- Can sail on all points of sailing
- Has knowledge of the 5 essentials and how to apply them
7. Knots & other theory
- Can tie a reef knot and other knots as appropriate
- Knows several ways to find the wind direction
- Knows how to find a weather forecast
- Has knowledge of the Port and Starboard rule and basic rule to always avoid collision
- Understands the importance of buoyancy bags and boat buoyancy
- Knows they should “tell someone ashore” if sailing alone
8. Boating and the environment
- Sources of pollution at sea & rubbish disposal
- “Reduce, reuse, recycle”
On completion of the course, successful candidates will be able to launch and recover an Optimist Dinghy safely without assistance and sail single-handed in light to medium winds round a basic triangle course.
(Minimum 14 hours)
The syllabus includes all items from Optimist Junior Sail 1 and 2 plus the following:
1. Personal Preparation
- Choice of clothing for different weather conditions
- Physical warm-up exercises
2. Boat Rigging
- Can rig an Optimist Dinghy without assistance (except lifting of mast)
- A basic understanding of proper sail shape (use of sprit)
3. Capsize recovery drill
- Can demonstrate the ability to right a capsized Optimist from inversion without mast-head flotation
4. Launch and Recovery
- Can launch and recover a dinghy without assistance
- Understands the effect of different wind directions on launch and recovery
5. Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres
- Can tack and gybe efficiently, remaining in control throughout the manoeuvre
- Can sail upwind and downwind efficiently, with correct balance and trim
- Can sail round a course that includes upwind and downwind legs using all points of sailing
- Has practised Man Overboard Recovery
- Can come alongside a moored or stationary boat
- Has taken part in a fun race
6. Knots & other theory
- Can tie a bowline and other knots as appropriate
- Knows the basic rules of the road (port-starboard, windward-leeward, overtaking boat)
- Understands weather forecast and different wind strengths
- Is aware of the dangers of hypothermia, hyperthermia and dehydration
7. Boating and the environment
- Disposal or take-home rubbish – securing items in dinghy
- Biodegradable pollution & non-degradable pollution
- Recycled & reusable materials
- Toxic-free cleaning materials & “WOW – Water Only Wash-downs”
- Wildlife at sea
On completion of the course, successful sailors will be able to race an Optimist dinghy round a simple course in medium winds and have a basic understanding of starting, race techniques and racing rules.
(Minimum 14 hours)
The syllabus includes all items from Optimist Junior Sail 1, 2 and 3 plus the following:
1. Personal Preparation
- Aware of other clothing or equipment useful for racing including a wind indicator, digital watch with countdown, wet-suit and/or hiking shorts
- Physical warm-up exercises
2. Boat Rigging & set up
- Can rig an Optimist Dinghy without assistance
- Understands how sail controls affect sail shape
- Can adjust sail controls on the water to maintain the correct sail shape for the conditions
3. Capsize Recovery
- Candidates should be able to right a fully inverted Optimist dinghy, bail efficiently once it is righted and continue sailing
4. Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres
- Can sail the dinghy efficiently on all points of sailing
- Is able to fully apply the 5 essentials to maximize performance
5. Knots & other theory
- Can tie all knots in previous courses and others as deemed appropriate
- Can interpret the weather forecast at a basic level, with regard to wind direction, strength and the Beaufort scale, and how this relates to sailing
- Knows where to obtain tidal information, high and low water and tidal flow
6. Racing theory
- Starting and finishing procedures & sound signals
- Individual and general recall
- Basic Racing Rules (RRS)
- Types of courses
- Individual safety, when not to race & outside assistance
7. Racing Techniques & manoeuvres
- Use of tell tales
- Sailing in clear wind and effect of wind shifts (headers & lifts)
- Mark rounding – approach, wide in, narrow out
- Proper hiking technique & correct setting of toe straps
8. Racing Tactics
- Starting fundamentals including positioning, speed control, and appropriate tack
- Basic knowledge of line bias
- Understands wind shadow and covering upwind & downwind