$2,000.0 – $3,500.0
Application Deadline: August 3
By the end of the course, the successful sailor will be safety conscious, have a basic knowledge of sailing and be capable of sailing a dinghy without an instructor on board in light winds. The majority of conventional beginners’ courses cover Level 1 and Level 2 and are normally not less than 35 hours.
Please note that the price does not include an HKSF logbook or a certificate if applicable. Courses will only run when the course is fully subscribed, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded.
In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy.
Entry Requirements
- Aged 13 or above
- Able to swim 50m when dressed
Course Content
For more details, please go to our Course Details page.
Additional information
Price Group | Full-time Student, Non Full-time Student or Non-Student |
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Tailored Course: Sailing Basics – Level 1 & 2 (August 16, 23, 24, 30, 31)
Tailored Courses, HKSF Sailing Training Program, Level 1 & 2 - Sailing BasicsBy the end of the course, the successful sailor will be safety conscious, have a basic knowledge of sailing and be capable of sailing a dinghy without an instructor on board in light winds. The majority of conventional beginners' courses cover Level 1 and Level 2 and are normally not less than 35 hours.
Please note that the price does not include an HKSF logbook or a certificate if applicable. Courses will only run when the course is fully subscribed, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded. In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy. [:hk]截止報名日期: 7月14日 成功完成本課程的參加者,將能掌握駕駛風帆的基本技術及應注意之安全事項,並能在輕微至和級的風力下,無須教練在旁指導而能夠駕駛風帆。大多數的初學者課程會涵蓋1級和2級,通常不少於35個小時。 請注意,價格不包括香港帆船運動總會航海日誌和證書(如適用)。課程只會在額滿時才正式開課, 若未能額滿,則會取消並安排退款。 若因任何原因 (例如政府發出冠狀病毒病停止運作命令) 本會取消課程,學員將獲全數退款。但學員因個人原因(例如學員未能符合最低參加資格),除有醫生證明書的病假外,將不獲退款。請按此閱讀其他取消政策。[:]Sailing Basics – Level 1 & 2 (September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10)
HKSF Sailing Training Program, Level 1 & 2 - Sailing BasicsBy the end of the course, the successful sailor will be safety conscious, have a basic knowledge of sailing and be capable of sailing a dinghy without an instructor on board in light winds. The majority of conventional beginners' courses cover Level 1 and Level 2 and are normally not less than 35 hours.
Please note that the price does not include an HKSF logbook or a certificate if applicable. Courses will only run when the course is fully subscribed, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded. In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy. [:hk]截止報名日期: 9月3日 成功完成本課程的參加者,將能掌握駕駛風帆的基本技術及應注意之安全事項,並能在輕微至和級的風力下,無須教練在旁指導而能夠駕駛風帆。大多數的初學者課程會涵蓋1級和2級,通常不少於35個小時。 請注意,價格不包括香港帆船運動總會航海日誌和證書(如適用)。課程只會在額滿時才正式開課, 若未能額滿,則會取消並安排退款。 若因任何原因 (例如政府發出冠狀病毒病停止運作命令) 本會取消課程,學員將獲全數退款。但學員因個人原因(例如學員未能符合最低參加資格),除有醫生證明書的病假外,將不獲退款。請按此閱讀其他取消政策。[:]Level 2 – Basic Skills December 20, 21, 23, 24)
HKSF Sailing Training Program, Level 2 - Basic SkillsBy the end of the course, the successful sailor will be safety conscious, have a basic knowledge of sailing and be capable of sailing a dinghy without an instructor on board in light and medium winds. The emphasis of the course will be largely practical and Level 2 courses are normally not less than 28 hours.
Please note that the price does not include an HKSF logbook or a certificate if applicable. Courses will only run when the course is fully subscribed, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded. In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy. [:hk]截止報名日期: 12月6日 成功完成本課程的參加者,將能掌握駕駛風帆的基本技術及應注意之安全事項,並能在輕微至和級的風力下,無須教練在旁指導而能夠駕駛風帆。第2級課程通常不少於28小時。 請注意,價格不包括香港帆船運動總會航海日誌和證書(如適用)。課程只會在額滿時才正式開課, 若未能額滿,則會取消並安排退款。 若因任何原因 (例如政府發出冠狀病毒病停止運作命令) 本會取消課程,學員將獲全數退款。但學員因個人原因(例如學員未能符合最低參加資格),除有醫生證明書的病假外,將不獲退款。請按此閱讀其他取消政策。[:]Tailored Course: Level 4 – Advanced Skills (June 29, July 2, 9, 12, 18)
HKSF Sailing Training Program, Level 4 - Advanced SkillsBy the end of the course, the successful sailor will have a competent, safe, practical approach to the sailing of small open boats and will be capable of sailing and making seamanlike decisions in strong wind conditions. The emphasis of the course will be largely practical and Level 4 courses are normally not less than 28 hours.
Please note that the price does not include an HKSF logbook or a certificate if applicable. Courses will only run when the course is fully subscribed, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded. In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy. [:hk]截止報名日期: 6月28日 在成功完成本課程後,參加者在進行風帆運動時應具備足夠信心和安全意識,以航海者應有的態度駕駛帆船,並有能力於和緩至 清勁風速的情況下,駕駛一艘開放式的小型帆船 。第4級課程通常不少於28小時。 請注意,價格不包括香港帆船運動總會航海日誌和證書(如適用)。課程只會在額滿時才正式開課, 若未能額滿,則會取消並安排退款。 若因任何原因 (例如政府發出冠狀病毒病停止運作命令) 本會取消課程,學員將獲全數退款。但學員因個人原因(例如學員未能符合最低參加資格),除有醫生證明書的病假外,將不獲退款。請按此閱讀其他取消政策。[:]
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