小白鷺帆船隊員 – 招募日 (9月25日)
截止報名日期: 9月16日
若因任何原因 (例如政府發出冠狀病毒病停止運作命令) 本會取消課程,學員將獲全數退款。但學員因個人原因(例如學員未能符合最低參加資格),除有醫生證明書的病假外,將不獲退款。請按此閱讀其他取消政策。
14 個名額
貨號: ET21SEP25
分類: 小白鷺隊, Sailing Teams
Entry Requirements
- 持有少年風帆研習第二級或風帆第二級資歷證明或以上
- 8至17歲
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小白鷺帆船隊員 – 招募日 (9月18日)
小白鷺隊, Sailing Teams
[:en]Application Deadline: September 9
The Egret Team is catered towards new and emerging athletes who wish to regularly train and develop their skills for sailing. This grouping session is to recruit Egret Team members and to observe the sailing abilities of participants. Participants will use single-handed dinghies for training every other Saturday from October onwards.
Courses will only run when there are 6 participants enrolled, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded.
In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy. [:hk]截止報名日期: 9月9日
若因任何原因 (例如政府發出冠狀病毒病停止運作命令) 本會取消課程,學員將獲全數退款。但學員因個人原因(例如學員未能符合最低參加資格),除有醫生證明書的病假外,將不獲退款。請按此閱讀其他取消政策。[:]
特定課程: 小白鷺帆船隊 (10月2, 16日, 30日, 11月13, 27日)
小白鷺隊, Sailing Teams
[:en]Application Deadline: September 30
The Egret Team is catered towards new and emerging athletes who wish to regularly train and develop their skills for sailing. Participants will use single-handed dinghies for training every other Saturday.
Courses will only run when there are 6 participants enrolled, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded.
In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy. [:hk]截止報名日期: 9月30日
若因任何原因 (例如政府發出冠狀病毒病停止運作命令) 本會取消課程,學員將獲全數退款。但學員因個人原因(例如學員未能符合最低參加資格),除有醫生證明書的病假外,將不獲退款。請按此閱讀其他取消政策。[:]
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