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Kayak 2 Star Award


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  • $300.0$350.0

    1 place available

    Tailored Course: Kayak 2 Star Award (August 29)

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    Application Deadline: August 19 The Star Award Scheme is a 3-day training course for novices to complete basic canoe training. The "Two Star Award" is a 1-day training class that builds on the skills learnt in the "One Star Award". Please note that the price does not include an HK Canoe Union logbook or a certificate if applicable. Courses will only run when there are a minimum of 6 participants, otherwise the course will be cancelled and the course fee will be refunded. In the event of activity cancellation by HKSSA (e.g. COVID-19 government-mandated closures), participants are entitled to a full refund. However, if participants withdraw due to individual reasons (e.g. participant does not fulfil the lowest entry requirements), except for sick leaves with a medical certificate from a doctor, no refund will be offered. Please click here to read more about our cancellation policy.

    1 place available